Sails makes it $ $ ridiculously easy to sell online

AI generated listings.
Auto listed everywhere.

How It Works

Step 1 - Upload Your Product Photo

Step 1: Snap or Upload

Take one photo of your item, and let Sails generate everything needed for a perfect listing.

Step 2 - AI Generates Title and Details

Step 2: AI-Generated Listing

No more tedious typing. Sails crafts the ideal title, description, and category, ready for multiple marketplaces.

Step 3 - Publish on Multiple Marketplaces

Step 3: Publish Everywhere

Confirm pricing, then push your item live to all top marketplaces at once. Track and manage every listing seamlessly.

Exclusive Beta

Join the exclusive beta and guide Sails as it evolves. Gain early access, shape upcoming features, and help define the future of frictionless online selling.